What We Do

Reporting & Analytics

Our dedicated reporting team builds dashboards that track all metrics along every step of a campaign. We share reporting at any cadence desired, typically weekly, and can share metrics such as impressions by device, reach, clicks, engagements, video views, completion rates, seconds watched, etc.

Our dashboards are created with user experience in mind, and show a broad snapshot of the metrics for the campaign, across all mediums. They are interactive and easy to navigate, providing clients with an interesting and easily-ingestible way to view campaign performance.

Additionally, our trafficking team uses internal trackers and are hands on keyboard daily to optimize and make sure these metrics are running smoothly and our message is getting to our key audience in the most efficient way possible. Reporting on this is NOT enough. We must hold the vendors to account. Rigorous follow-ups are sent on a daily basis to external partners to keep our impression delivery and reach on track.

Combining our daily internal tracking and optimizing with our client-facing dashboards, your team can be confident that your campaigns are rock solid.

Competitive tracking

We know how vital real-time competitive reporting is to a campaign. The information is essential to decision-making on budgets and messaging. We provide our clients with accurate and timely spending updates on all competitors in a race or issue with easy-to-read dashboard reporting. We send alerts for new spending and work with ad capture partners to alert on new creative so decisions are always well informed.